Saturday, August 18, 2012

My additional thoughts: austen/montaigne essay

1. I would have "injected" more dynamism in terms of the specific differences between Montaigne/Austen's respective rhetoric/perspectives on relevant topics (more on subjectivity or universal relativity of society's mental porthole) and more so touch upon (with more concrete examples of course) the similarities of said Author's view of their society's seemingly unbalanced or inappropriate set of priorities (ultimately weaving it to our own time's materialistic predilections :).

2. What occurred to me after? to tell you the truth i was completely prepared to complete the essay while in class and already had my set of key-points to tackle and would compose my essay.

3. The interruption allowed a bit of reprieve/ further thought planning but aside from that it utterly ruined my ability to not ultimately rush the quality/content of my essay. But i feel that i salvaged/selected the most prominent of my ideas in the end. Wish i had more time :P

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