Thursday, February 21, 2013


A) My progress in the course over this six week grading period has been much, much smoother than my first six weeks when beginning this ap lit trek (to say the least :). I've stayed on top of all of my assignments, prepared (IMO) adequately for each test, scoring high, completed tasks to the best of my abilities, as well as pursued my smart goal relentlessly (Writing my novel). So far its been a great start and If i continue in my dedications I'm sure the rest of the year will follow.

B) goals/ expectations: to maintain high quality course work in assignments, score satisfyingly, as well as expand my literary ability/ arsenal of rhetoric, gleaning and taking to heart ideals of writing, of the class, any way I can.

C) Well the only suggestions I would have would probably only serve my personal creative writing passions so I'm not sure if that's "apropos" to the class as a whole. Personally I'm pretty content with our current course tasks/ objectives as I definitely feel we are making beneficial progress as we rapidly approach AP-DAY.

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